Monday, March 3, 2014

"Here I Raise My Ebenezer"

     It has been a month since I posted anything on my blog because I went to Texas on vacation. I'll probably post something about that at a later date... have to let it percolate. :) But the time away has given me a chance to think about my blog and why I'm doing this. I picked up a book that I've written for my grandchildren of stories of our lives as a family. I opened it at the beginning to look for a story that I might want to post and as I read the forwards that I had written, for three different volumes of the "book", I got my latest post. They each gave my reasons for writing. As I read them, it stirred within me, once again, the desire to see more folks write down their experiences. For that reason, I am determined to encourage everyone I know, (especially people in my age group) to get their stories down. They are all unique, all important, especially to their children and grandchildren.
      I am constantly surprised by what my children do not know about me and their family... seemingly insignificant things like, where we attended college, "Grandma, you graduated from Calvin College? Who knew!" or "You mean we are Jewish! Wait a minute! I thought we were Irish!" Or to their other Grandmother..."You had another husband besides Grandpa. What else haven't you told us?" These are important things for them to know.
     But the really important things for them to know are the things that have made us who we are. The journey we've taken through life that has brought us to this place. The prophet, Samuel placed a "stone of help" which he called an Ebenezer stone and said, "Hither to hath the Lord helped us." (1 Samuel 7:12) In the old hymn, Come, Thou Fount the song writer recorded the incident thus, " I raise my Ebenezer, hither by Thy help I've come." That is the biblical principle. You shouldn't need more, but just in case you do, I've recorded my three forwards below. I hope this encourages you all, young and old to write your life!
Forward 1

     For a long time I have been wanting to write down some of the stories of our life together as a family. I also wanted my grandchildren  and great grandchildren to know where I came from and where their grandfather came from.  There just never seemed to be a time I could do this.  It was a task that seemed unimportant compared to everything else I had to do but this year I got motivated to do it.
     What motivated me, you ask? Well mostly it was poverty. I heard a man say that finances or the lack thereof, very often dictate the direction of our lives and I've come to see the truth in that statement. I wanted to give my grandchildren Christmas gifts this year and even the Dollar Store was too expensive for me and my fourteen grandchildren.  So when my daughter-in-law, Kim suggested that I write some of my stories and put them in a book for the children, I thought... yes!  The title of my little book Treasures in Earthen Vessels, and the scripture on the fly leaf, (Acts 3:6) pretty much tells you why I felt the need to write them.  I intend to add a few stories every year until I either die or run out of material so I would encourage you all to give your books to your mom for safe keeping after you read them, then I can retrieve them next Christmas and add to them.  Someday maybe I can afford to publish them for you. That way you will have a history of your family in story form to pass on to your children.
     A former President said, "We are trying to do a futile thing if we do not know where we came from or what we have been about." History is very important. It is the light at the back of the train that points our direction to the future.
     As I said in the story entitled, My Father's Faith, "No one (soldier) was allowed to sleep on duty. They had to remain vigilant and awake so that whatever had been entrusted to them would be safe." My generation will soon pass the "duty" on to you and you will be entrusted with upholding our name and the Christian faith. So my prayer for you is that some of this family history will be and inspiration and help as you assume "the duty".  I love you all!    

Forward 2

     This is the second installment of Treasures in Earthen Vessels, a book I'm preparing for you, my grandchildren. I thought I would get more than eight stories written this year but due to knee surgery in December, I was unable to meet that goal. 
    These eight stories, however will keep you busy for a while and I will try to write more in the coming year. Someday I hope to put them into a book for all of you but just in case I never get to do that, I want you to have them in separate volumes.
   As you have probably already discovered about your Grandma, I see everything through a biblical principle grid. Even the most pagan Disney movie can yield for me a principle to be analyzed and meditated upon. Because of this mindset, which I have very carefully practiced over forty some years, my stories will be full of principles. I'll try not to preach or even point them out. My hope is that you will begin to see them on your own. Now, this my bore you or put you off but it won't hurt you, so be entertained and be instructed with these latest Treasures in Earthen Vessels. Love, Grandma

Forward 3
     Not that I need an excuse, but I've found another reason for writing these stories for you children. One modern translation of Psalm 78 says exactly why I should write them and why you should read them. In verses 1-12 it says:
     "My people, listen to my teaching; listen to what I say.
 I will speak using stories; I will tell secret things from long ago.
    We have heard them and known them by what our ancestors have told us;
      We will tell those who come later about the praises of the Lord.
      We will tell about His power and the miracles He has done.
       The Lord made an agreement with Jacob and gave the teachings to Israel, which He commanded our ancestors to teach to their children, then their children would know them, even their children not yet born, and they would tell their children. So they would all trust God and would not forget what He had done but would obey His commands.
       They would not be like their ancestors who were stubborn and disobedient.
       Their hearts were not loyal to God, and they were not true to Him. The men of Ephraim had bows for weapons, but they ran way on the day of battle.
       They didn't keep their agreement with God and refused to live by His teachings.
       They forgot what He had done and the miracles He had shown them. He did miracles while their ancestors watched,..."
     Now I know that literally He is talking about passing on the scripture, in this Psalm, but applying it personally, I decided that if I can help it, my children will never forget what He did while I watched! I love you all, and Merry Christmas!

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