Monday, November 3, 2014

"Duck Dynasty in a Miley Cyrus World!"

     This will be a short blog. It has one message, sent on the wings of a prayer.  The message is... tomorrow is election day, Christians, go out and vote! I don't mean that you should hold your nose and close your eyes and flip the lever and think to yourself, "It really doesn't matter. They're all alike. They're all crooks! etc. etc..." You know the statements. You've heard them repeated over and over.  You may have even said them yourself.
     No, what I'm suggesting is, look at the person running for Senate. Are they pro life? Are they for gay marriage? Ask yourself these questions and others that reflect your values and pick the candidate that more closely agrees with these values. They probably won't be perfect, no one is. But you can vote for the person who most agrees with you, then hold their feet to the fire.  Call or write and remind them of their promises.  Then look at the Judges and do the same thing, and then the State offices that are running.  If you don't have a "voters guide" from Michigan Family Forum or Right to Life then go on line and check them out.  The online address for Michigan Family Forum is and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find Right to Life or Baptist for Life or Lutheran's for Life.  Just google them. (Just got a new web site for you to see a voter guide. It is
     Now a word about the title of this blog, Duck Dynasty in a Miley Cyrus World, I put it in quotations because I "lifted" it from Todd Starnes latest book, God Less America. It so apply describes where we are as a nation.  We are the Robertson family in Duck Dynasty with their values, and we are living in a "Miley Cyrus world".  We, the church, are called to be "salt and light" in this world. That means that we should be holding back the corruption that is so prevalent in our society.  One way we can do this is by voting. It seems like such a small, insignificant thing and we are tempted to think, How can my puny little vote count for anything?  But did you know that if all the Christians in this country would vote we could totally change the direction of it?  Not only that but your act of being a good citizen can and probably will influence others to do the same.  God has given us this duty, this power, this privilege and we dare not spurn it.  Because of the great lack of interest or irresponsibility or maybe just plain ignorance, we have very nearly lost our freedoms and the American church is on the brink of persecution. 
This is the price that was paid  so you can vote!
     I have been so burdened about what is happening to our country and this is my appeal to all of you who read my blogs. As I read my Bible I have come to see that there are two ways God has spread the gospel, one is by giving His people the freedom to preach and teach it and the other is through persecution.  With this in mind go vote!

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