Just one of my treasures in an old earthen vessel...
When I wrote about my Grandma's quilt in July, I promised another blog about the other treasure I was given by my aunt. If you haven't read that blog you may want to go back and read it just for continuity. The title of it is "The Ways of God and the Real War On Women".
The old worn cover... |
So making good on my promise, here is the story of the old family Bible. When my aunt took me into her storage room to choose a "treasure" from my grandparents worldly goods, I saw the old bible and was immediately drawn to it. I really didn't know about the spiritual heritage of the Stanley family and I thought the bible might hold some clues to it. It did, and my aunt filled in some gaps for me.
Besides the beauty of the thing, and it is beautiful, in spite of the crispy, crumbly pages, it contains family history. My grandparent's marriage is recorded there... July 15, 1918. That was probably the only record of their marriage that ever existed and being recorded in the family bible made it a legal document. So we know that the book is at least 96 years old. Also recorded there are the births of their children, their marriages and their deaths. Someone faithfully kept the record up to date.
As I carefully turned the old pages, my mind filled with questions, Did they read the bible?, Who are these people that I never heard of? What did this book mean to them? Why has no one else in the family valued this treasure? How can I make my children understand the value of it? Well my aunt must have read my mind because she started talking about it.
The first page |
"It was the most important thing in our house. Mama said, "If we ever have a fire, grab the bible first." "All of us kids were forbidden to touch it but Mama would show us the pictures and tell us the stories. We were in awe of it. Sometimes I thought I saw a glow coming from it's pages." (Then she laughed at herself.) "Years later when I became a Christian, one of my first thoughts was to go back and read that book for myself. You know, Daddy was an unbeliever for most of his life, until Bobbie died. Then I think he just couldn't bear the thought that he'd never see her again, so he had to take care of that... never saw such a radical change in a person, as when my daddy got saved. He went from a cursing, angry man to a quiet believer. He never missed church after that. He stopped cursing immediately, even though I'd never heard him complete a sentence without a curse word before that. He never took a drink of liquor again. He treated Mama better and talked to us kids like we were real people!" She stopped and shook her hear in disbelief.
"Did he read this bible?" I asked.
My grandparent's marriage license |
"No, Daddy couldn't read but Mama probably read it to him. Their marriage license and all of us kids are in here."
Marriages and births... |
She spoke of it as if they had their own "chapter and verse". I smiled and continued to turn the pages. Later I reflected on how the times have changed. We have probably ten different translations of the bible in our house. We listen to it on our computers, our "notebooks" and our cell phones. We hear it read form our pulpits on Sunday mornings, but most of the time we ignore it. Have we become like a river that has widened so much and become so shallow that we no longer hold the "life" that's in it? That bible to my grandparents and their family was valuable and deep. It contained not only the life of their family, but the "words of life" and they were aware of it.
Deaths of loved ones |
I brought it home in my suitcase along with my grandmother's quilt. This morning I took it out of it's plastic storage, so I could take pictures of it for my blog. Now I've promised myself to find a place to store it so it will be protected and I can display it prominently in my house, like my grandmother did. And I will instruct my children, "If we ever have a fire, grab the Bible first!"