Sunday, July 6, 2014

Robert Burns, We May Not Be...

     Just for fun, I decided this week to post some Gehrke poetry. As most writers do, from time to time we tried our hand at it. Nothing expresses the core of the soul like a good poem.           
     As a family of writers, we have over the years all written poetry and as the mother of this brood, I have collected it and saved it. Like mothers of children who are artists, who has their refrigerator door decorated with crayon drawings, mine was much of the time, covered with poetry. This first posting comes from Joel, our oldest son.  He was a teenager when he wrote them. I hope you enjoy it.

I know, O Lord, that You can see,
My medium of praise to Thee;
This quiet Realm of Poetry.
Lord, I would magnify Thy name,
In magnitude of trumpet same,
 Through whisper worshipping now to Thee,
In this...the realm of poetry.
The mighty choir does sing of Thee,
That mankind by Thy blood is free;
I softly write my thanks to Thee
In solitude, Poetry.

Autumn Reflection

Green summer leaves of yesterday,
The winter breeze blows away.
Before the elements they dance,
In celebration of their chance,
To live their lives in greenly glow,
Their nutrients in earth to sow.
Much like the leaf God makes a man;
To glow in His warm, sunlit Hand,
To find His wisdom, riches, grace,
To share these with the human race.
Upon going through an old bread box filled with pictures...

To The Faces
There have been many, many, faces,
...many faces,
weathered faces, in my life,
and now I see not faces,
but kaleidoscope impressions of the people,
of those I've known,
...but know, no more.

After a high school track meet...

The Race...or Reflections In Sweat
I think I'm learning how to learn a lesson in this life.
I work, I strive, and sometimes bleed a little.
I cry for excellence and right within myself.
I labor 'gainst a brother soul whose final fate rests on my failure...
And only one of us succeeds?...
                                Not so!
For now it's clear...
The question isn't how you looked while breaking through the line...
but rather,
Did you give it your all on the backstretch?

The Price
Miles I'm alone on the dusty road
with rhythmic, labored breath;...
not pain, but pulsating life within.
Train through the prolonged pain of practice
and then...
The try the soul's true grain.

The Turkey
The turkey worked alone amid the taunts
with goal filled eyes,
 It was worth it.
In daily course he ran,
despite the blast,
the gauntlet bark of little dogs,...
and found a haven in the Road.
The little dogs all starved, from lack of
The ancient turkey died with Eagle Heart!

On the ever changing Michigan seasons....

In the summer of seventy six,
I excellence pursued,...
and in the evening summer's light,
I chased the sun...
...I almost overtook it!...
While early warm September faded,
and dying sunlight through leaves shone, jaded,... spirit knew no fences!...
I sailed, nay flew, along the road,...
and when the final evening waned,...
...when summer died last night,...
I chased the ling'ring eventide,
into the azure autumn light.

Cyclic Panorama
Too soon the Crescent Lady came
To interrupt the sun's warm ray
She spread her shroud across the sky
and smiled a shining silver sigh.
The gold-haired man is growing old;
His countenance will soon be cold,
To west horizon he will go,
pursued by wind and wintry snow.
Green summer leaves 'tween earth and sky,
soon will yellow, fall and die...
and lie in a despondent pile.
I see the cycle, and I smile.  

The Autumn Song
Tomorrow marks the birth of August;
Summer's peak is gone.
The days still linger hot,...but yet,
While sleeping in the night, 'twas crisp!...'twas clear!
...the Song,...The Autumn Song...
The cricket chorus called out in the night,
the secret song yet hidden from the light.
The message clear withal,...
of the passing of the summer, and the advent 
of the fall. 
I cannot help but wonder, tho',
How many secret, swirling, sunsets
Draped the arctic edges of the earth,
Unknown to man,...unseen, save by
Some, solitary seal?

 Sittin' at my desk

Watchin' the first snow,
It seems like every year
Around November twenty first,
I mourn the warmth of June,...
and curse the cold!

Then the white, winter, windblown virgin of the north,
Freezes my contentions and quiets my soul with a
Cold but peaceful resignation to the Polar wind.
....brrr...Where's my coat?

I Helped a Friend
I saw a spider hanging from the ceiling
on a skinny little web...
A tiny, brown, fellow hanging by his courage
on a string, hitched to the sky.

Infinity above, no turning back, but just a 

little at a time, he tried to reach his goal
I watched this fellow creature striving, not to die,
...reached out my hand, and placed him on the floor.
...I haven't seen him since.

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