Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Read it and Weep", then "Shout it to The Rooftops"!

     I told my readers previously that from time to time I'd be sharing with them, what I am currently reading, and thus am interested in, and this is one of those times.
     As you may imagine, as an adopted child, with several adopted grandchildren (who have escaped the executioners, axe), I am passionate about the subject of abortion. So when I came across this discussion in the book, As It Was In The Days of Noah, I knew I had to share it, so here goes...
     Jeff Kinley, the author in declaring how "violence seems to run in the human bloodstream" ... began his explanation of why this is so with the following.

     Cheap Life

     "One of the many side effects of ignoring God is that human life is, unquestionably, devalued.  If there is no God, then there is no Supreme Maker who gives human life intrinsic value.  There remains only relative value.  In other words, apart from God, a human being's real worth is determined by an adjustable standard based on the laws and morals of a particular society or civilization.  For example, just 150 years ago, African Americans were bought and sold like property in the United States.  And throughout history, human slavery has existed in nearly every culture or people group in some form.  Through the domination of one race or class over another, certain ethnic groups or nationalities have been deemed less valuable than others.  They're relegated to second-class status, considered inferior or subordinate in worth.  The fluctuating value systems held by different cultures or groups is what supposedly justifies the domination and mistreatment of others, or at the very least, is what promotes extreme prejudice and discrimination.
     But unless there is an absolute authority setting a universal standard of value for all mankind, this attitude and cheapening of life will continue.  In our generation, we selectively value or devalue certain persons based on their usefulness or perceived worth.  Some people are simply viewed as being more valuable.  And without God in the picture, our understanding of human dignity is naturally skewed.  In such cases, the rule of law and practice in society is determined either by popular opinion or whichever political party has the best lawyer. 
How could anyone kill her?
     This practice ultimately leads to an inversion of common sense and a cauterizing of human conscience.  How else can we explain a civilization that vigorously defends prolonging the lives of heinous serial murderers while simultaneously fighting for the right to end the lives of innocent children?  We march to keep an evil man from dying while giving the unborn a death sentence simply for existing.  Before the baby is even given a chance to take their first breath, we angrily defend a woman's "right" to take the life of her unwanted child.  Sadly, the one advocate designed to protect and care for that life (the mother) becomes complicit in the death sentence, interrupting God's work.  Pro-choice advocates typically cite rape and incest as extreme examples justifying abortion.  Now rape is morally wrong. Always. No exceptions. And the Bible explicitly condemns it. And incest is morally deplorable.  Always. No exceptions.  But even the rapist is given rights, a trial, a lawyer, and a voice.  However, who speaks for the one who cannot yet speak?  Who pleads their case and defends their right to live?  Abortion is controversial, and it's not going away.  And neither is the devaluation of people and violence against humanity.  As we saw in chapter 4 (of his book, As It Was In The Days of Noah,)  the day is coming when Christians themselves will be deemed unworthy to live.
     But though politicians, activists, and the media have politicized abortion as a women's rights issue, at its core, it has less to do with a woman's choice and more to do with the issue of life itself.  With God out of the picture, people become expendable because there is no divine standard to declare their worth. History teaches us that government and the prevailing spirit of the age usually decide how valuable people are.  When in doubt, consider the Jews in Nazi Germany, or ask those who witnessed the slaughter of one million Tutsis in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.  Both were unwanted people groups.  They were considered subhuman or undeserving of life.  Again, without God's standard, we are left with a sliding scale of  human morality.  This is why God had to tell us not to murder each other, and especially not to shed the blood of the innocent. (Prov. 6:17 & Prov.31:8-10) Without Him, we could eventually annihilate one another.
     Over 43 million unborn children were destroyed worldwide in 2008, with over one million of those murders taking place in the United States. (see guttmacher.org) China even practices forced abortion..."
     Why is our nation so sharply divided over this subject and why is a simple answer not obvious? Kinley goes on to say...
     "Since 1980, more than one billion innocent lives have been taken, having been judged unworthy to live.  Are their souls in heaven, crying out to God for justice?  How many unborn will die before God avenges their blood and inaugurates the day of His judgment?  Have we not in just 34 years killed more unborn children than Noah's generation killed of all ages over hundreds of years?"
     "Isaiah warned his own country of "inverted morality" when he said, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." (Is. 5:20)
     Then Kinley continues..."It's naïve to think we won't eventually extend this devaluation to other's lives as well---targeting people by age, race, religion, physical or mental handicap---any whose "quality of life" or value to society is below our wise judgment.  If it happened in the past, why couldn't it happen again? And it will.  When humans of any age, race, religion, or physical condition become "undesirable," we become like those who justify genocide.  Are we better than an evil dictator who kills seven million or one race when we slaughter one billion of many races?  Are we now any less deserving of judgment than those whom God destroyed in the Flood?"
     Finally he concludes, "In the absence of wise, godly leadership and a just government honoring the Creator, morality is auctioned off to the highest bidder and the majority opinion."
     God help us!!!  I read this and wept, then I decided to post it as my little bit of "salt and light" for the day.

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