Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Looong View

"Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" Psalm 27:14

     Last Sunday my Sunday School class prayed for a young man who had been in a accident on the streets of Chicago.  It's a tragic story.  He is a father and husband, a Christian who is actively engaged in youth work on those mean streets in that violent city.   This once dynamic, intelligent, young, Christian witness is now incapable of recognizing his loved ones.  The temptation to look up to God and ask "why?", is almost overwhelming.
     When we lived in Oklahoma we knew a pastor and his family who had been through four years of college, three years of seminary, and a year and a half of language school to prepare to go to Africa as missionaries.  When they had been on the field for a year, the wife became very ill and they had to come back to the states so she could receive treatment for an ongoing illness.  They never returned to Africa.  Once again the temptation to ask "why?" is strong.
     Then there is the case of the Cowens.  They trained to go to the mission field of Korea and after a short while, he became ill and had to return to the states where his wife nursed him for the rest of his life, never to return to full time Christian work.  "Why?" There it is again... the haunting, faith degrading, word that tends to disturb us and make us question everything that holds us together as Christians.
      Last week I watched a story on television.  The program was "Who Do You Think You Are?"  If you haven't seen it, I recommend it.  The format is, a celebrity goes in front of the cameras and begins a search for their roots.  They go to archives, and other sources and dig up information about their ancestors to find their family history.
     Last week's episode featured a young actress, who was curious about her father's family, because they were so closed about their background.  They never talked about their relatives and when asked, would evade the subject.  She knew the place they had lived, somewhere in Missouri, and she knew the name of her great grandmother, so she started there.  She found right away that this grandmother had been married and had several children, then for some unknown reason had dropped her husband's name and reverted to her maiden name.  As they dug into the history of this family, they discovered a terrible secret.  Her great grandmother had murdered her husband.  The story was, he woke up one morning and told her that she should go fix breakfast for everyone then prepare to die, because before night fall he was going to kill her.  She went and prepared breakfast then returned to the bedroom and found him sleeping, so she killed him with an axe.
     Now as terrible as this story is, the actress didn't stop there.  She kept digging and she was ultimately glad she did.  She discovered that her great grandmother had been convicted and sent to prison.  She was one of two female prisoners in the Missouri State Prison system at the time.  While in prison she gave birth to a daughter.  When the baby was born they allowed her to keep her in her cell, but they wouldn't provide her with any thing for the child.  Nevertheless she was able to keep her alive and someone, we don't know who, got wind of it and began circulating a petition to pardon the mother and daughter.  The people who signed that petition were some of the most prominent people in Missouri at that time.  She was pardoned after two years by the governor of Missouri and set free to raise her family.  Because of her tragic story, the Missouri prison system was reformed and made more humane and many laws were passed to protect helpless, abused women in that state.  Before she left the state the actress was able to visit her great grandmother's grave and honor her.  After many years and the passing of several generations, this mother's vindication and honor was revealed to her family.  They could now look up to her and be proud of her strength and what she accomplished historically.  What they had been ashamed to mention, could now be told with pride.
     It made me think about how often, when we don't see the end of a matter, it rattles us not to be able to make sense of a thing.  To go back to the previous stories, the pastor from Oklahoma who went to Africa, is now the pastor of one of the largest churches in Oklahoma City.  He is one of the most gifted speakers I've ever heard and has a very effective ministry.  The Cowens returned to the states and she became one of the most famous writers of personal devotionals in the modern church.  Her series on the Sovereignty of God, the Streams in the Dessert series, has inspired and encouraged thousands in the faith.
stock photo of endurance  - Marathon running race people competing in fitness and healthy active lifestyle feet on road - JPG      The end of the story of the young man in Chicago has not yet been written but when it is, those of us who are privileged to read it will be blessed.  We'll see the hand of God in the situation and once again proclaim with the Apostle Paul that "All things work together for good, for those who love God...." (Rom. 8:28)  Until then we need to learn to take the long view.  We need to be satisfied to wait upon the Lord.  Hebrews 11:13 says that the heroes of the faith mentioned in that chapter, from Abel to Sarah, "died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."   They had a far view and were satisfied to leave it with God.  Ultimately their faith paid off.  The work of the Messiah was the culmination of what they were promised, but they didn't live to see it.  We have to have the same long view of God's work on this earth.  We must cling to our assurance of His goodness, no matter how disappointed we are at how things turn out.  Rescue doesn't always come in our time but it will come.  Another verse in Hebrews says, "...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross,..." Hebrews 12: 1b
     There's an old hymn that my own grandmother used to sing as she worked around the house.  I heard it so often as a child that it has implanted itself into my very soul.  The words to this old hymn  are:

"Father along, we'll know more about it,
Father along, we'll understand why.
Cheer up my brother, live in the Sonshine,
We'll understand it, all by and by."

     Lord, give me the endurance of the saints who have gone before me!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


     Another of Pastor Gehrke's sermons, preached at Butternut Bible Church, on August 4, 1977, and still as relevant today.

Today's text:
   Acts 16:1-5

      As I have again and again, been encouraging you to go deeply into our Lord's blessed Word, I have thought to myself, Oh, the blessings we deny ourselves because we wade where God would have us plunge deeply.  God is not pleased for us to have a shallow, surface knowledge of His Word.  We shall be shocked when we arrive in heaven to discover what God had intended, what great plans He desired, but had to lay aside because we refused to study His Word in depth.  The chief weapon of God the Holy Spirit, is the Word.

     Within the four verses above is the culmination of such a story. I am convinced that a creative student of the Word, could write a book about it.  A story that would challenge the mind of every person today, who calls himself a 
Christian.  It is the story of a boy, a Book, and a great battle.  Let us first set the stage.

     The place is Lystra.  Lystra was a bawdy, brawny, frontier outpost filled with the Roman Guard.  It was in the Province of Lyconia in Asia Miner about 45 miles southeast of Iconium.  It was a GI town... a town where the military was stationed, a good place to live for that reason... it was protected.

     It was a place that attracted fine Greek businessmen along with Jews who were equally adept at making the most of a prosperous community.  The Jews who were there were from the dispersion.  As Jews always did and will do, they, though dispersed, adapt and become prosperous and well to do.  One of the families of wealthy Jews in Lystra had a beautiful daughter named Eunice.

     There were as you know, Greeks present.  Some of the Greeks had been enslaved while others, because of the Roman reward system, had become merchants and free men.  One of the Greek merchants who had done well was a young Greek man, who's eye was caught by the young Jewess, Eunice.

      In all probability it started innocently.  Eunice, was a fine, young, attractive woman who had been raised by a wealthy, progressive Jewish family.  In fact they were such a progressive family that she had been taught to read.  Not only could she read but her mother, Lois was also literate.  That was a very progressive thing in a Jewish household because at that time, it was for a woman to do things around the home, not to learn to read!  So Eunice was more than a typical, nicely dressed, young Jewish woman.  She was cultured enough to catch the eye of a wealthy Greek merchant.

     It is not unusual for prosperity to cause the lowering of standards.  Even in the best of families, this can happen.  It happened in this family.  They probably never meant for it to go as far as it did, but it did and the young Greek man and the godly Jewish girl fell in love.

     I suspect the father of Eunice was dead by this time for I cannot imagine a Jew, who so faithfully taught his family the scripture, would ever have allowed the marriage.  This is strictly speculation.  So I will add to the speculation by saying that it wouldn't surprise me to find that the mother of the family, Lois, saw the request for the hand of her daughter through the eyes of one who needed security for them both.  At any rate the two of them were joined in marriage.

     The marriage would be no problem for the Greek man for he was typically Greek and broad minded.  I can hear Eunice setting before him the conditions prior to their marriage.  "Now you must agree, if we have children, they must be brought up to fear God."  He must have replied, "Oh, don't worry, I myself have a great respect for God."

     He might have forgotten to mention that all gods were the same in his Greek culture.  "We are to be broadminded on the subject, and who am I to say that my god is better than yours?"

     So life began to flow and unfold.  A home was started in Lystra.  The Greek husband's business did well and occupied his attention.  Lois moved in with them and life seemed to be all they had ever dreamed it would be.

     There in the corner somewhere or maybe up on a shelf in a lovely vase of this upper class home, was a scroll.  And on that scroll was recorded the very Word of God.  Daily, Lois and Eunice read and studied it together.

     Then one day Eunice realized that she was going to have a baby.  It had to be a time of great excitement to the young Greek father.  All the Greek fathers desired sons... a scholar who could compete and excel in athletics and bring pride and honor to the family name.

     And sure enough, Eunice had a baby boy.  They decided they would name him a Greek name and compromised that his name would mean "Honored of God".  I told you he was a broad minded fellow!

     Immediately it began.  Paul, you remember in 2 Timothy 3:15, reminded Timothy, "that, from a babe (brephos, the smallest kind of a babe, possibly even a fetus) thou hast known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Image result for Pictures of Scrolls
     Lois and then Eunice would take turns.  One would hold the young baby and the other would go to that Book, that old book up there in the lovely vase and take it down and unroll it.  And they would read to the baby from the sacred writings.

"In the beginning, God (Ywh, Jehovah God) created heaven and the earth.  And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep"

"And God spake all these words, saying, I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,  Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

     "And when the days of their purification according to the Law of Moses were fulfilled,"... they desired to bring Timothy to the temple to be circumcised.  Eunice approached her Greek husband, knowing that he would not understand.

     "Husband, it is that time."
     "What time is that?"
     "It is that time for me to take him to the temple and have Timothy circumcised."
     "No!  No son of mine shall be subjected to such a foolish and stupid practice.  I will hear no more of this idiotic talk and that is final!"

      That was the beginning, the start of the battle for the mind and soul of Timothy.
     Day turned to week, turned to month, turned to year and one day the father came home and looked at the young boy and said, "He is now 6 years old.  It is time to begin his education."  He called a Greek slave/teacher, a man of refinement and letters, but a slave none the less.

     This man would take control of the educational needs of Timothy and all he had to learn.  All the years preceding this time, the reading of that Book, were of no importance to his new teacher.  Now he would be reading to him from other books.  The battle for the mind of Timothy was at full pitch now.  The young boy was taken out of the home and taught the best that money could buy.  He would be taught as well, athletic.  He was going to be living proof that the pride of the Greek father was not just words.  Now there new books brought into the life of Timothy,  the Illyad and Odyssey by Homer for example.

     In these books he would learn that there are many gods.  Gods that were like men, brawny, sensual gods who could run with great speed, and throw with great accuracy and love with great fervor.  They were gods who were bigger than life and they lived on Mount Olympus.  These gods was like the men who worshipped them and were as likely to be drunk and angry as sober and content.

     Then Timothy would come home and Eunice would reach up and get that old Book and would begin to read to him of a holy living God who lived in glorious light, whose radiance was so bright that none could look upon Him.

     Then he would go back to his Greek school and learn of Aristotle's "Golden Mean" which taught that all good lives of men of common sense contain happiness.  What is the good life?  A life of happiness.

     He would also learn what Plato had to teach him, that if a man can discover what is right, he will do it, therefore evil is the result of the lack of knowledge.

     And then he would come home and they would read to him from "That Book", that God was a holy God and He had said:

      Thou salt have no other Gods before Me.
      Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in Vain.
      Thou shalt remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
      Honor thy father and thy mother.
      Thou shalt not kill.
      Thou shalt not commit adultery.
      Thou shalt not steal.
      Thou shalt not bear false witness.
      Thou shalt not covet.

      He would go to his Greek school and hear and read of the great warrior heroes... men who seemed to always succeed for their own sakes.

     And he would come home and they would read from that Book about men who failed miserably, but who's great claim was their repentance and their faith in God, men like, Abraham, Jacob, Saul, David, and Solomon.

     The great battle rages... mother and the Bible, father and the things of his world that would win man's laurels and acclaim.  One old saying of the Greeks said,  "We Greeks do not need a God-Blanket like a woman!" 

     And Timothy looked around and it was obvious that these two worlds did not mesh.  They do not line up for the boy, the Book and the battle.

     In Acts 14 we see that Paul through the pressure of opposition was preaching now in the Province of Lycaonia, having been turned away by the Jews and now is ministering to the Gentiles.  Every where he went the Jews seemed to follow and try to destroy what Paul would accomplish.  That is why he had been forced to flee to Lystra.

     This was the story of when Paul had preached to the people of Lystra and healed a man.  When the people witnessed the healing they tried to worship the disciples, who refused their worship then the Jews stirred up the people against them and they stoned them and Paul and Barnabas barley escaped with their lives.  There's a possibility that in that crowd were Eunice and Lois.  Or maybe they heard the story from other Christian believers in Lystra.  At any rate they became believers and they then told Timothy.  The great battle for the boys mind was won by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He became a believer.

    Now on the second journey of Paul to Lystra, to come back and preach something exciting happened.  They learned that the young convert, Timothy who had been so immersed in the Word of God had been preaching the Word, in "season and out of season".  He was just a young man and some had "despised his youth" but he preached it with authority.  And when Paul came back, the Christians told him that they had a fine preacher in Timothy. And Paul went and heard the young convert and he loved him as a son.  He saw that through the conversion of a child a might victory had been won.

     Spurgeon once returned home and said to a man, "I have been privileged to lead two and a half people to the Lord today." The man said, "Oh, two men and a child?"  "No." Came the reply.  "Two children and a man."

     We need to teach our children to be  Mastered by this Book, not to just master the book.

   Too many people have this turned around.  They win the battle for emotions or even service at different times in their lives but they don't win the battle for their minds.

     When was the last time you shared with your children, the importance of the Word in your own life?  And for you fathers who think, "Oh, that is woman's work."  Is it really?  That was Timothy's father's attitude and we don't read of anything significant in his life except that he was a Greek.

     He was a Greek.  That was God's way of saying, "He really didn't care or believe anything.  He was a Greek.

     And like Timothy's father, so often parents today don't realize how great a struggle is going on for the minds of our children.  We see them busy in this or at, not causing any problems to us or others, faithful to church and we equate that with a committed mind set.  Don't misread your son!  "He'll get his religion later", or "He goes to Sunday School."  You are in a battle and it is in earnest and if you don't realize this every day, you are losing it by default.

     Or maybe the battle for your mind has not yet been won.  Do you just accept your faith because of your emotions or is your mind and heart committed to Christianity?

    We send our children off to secular schools where a secularized teacher pumps their minds full of the world's humanism for most of their day and we don't even know what's happening to them.  We're like the frog being boiled in water. Before he even knows it he's asleep, then before he knows it he's cooked! Satan turns them to humanism from God's grace.  We come to God's Word with our cookie cutter minds and God can't even speak from His Word because we think it is up to us to approve or disapprove what He says to us.  That is the essence of Humanism!

     I don't wonder your are a stubborn man and proud of it.
     I don't wonder that you are a proud, stubborn woman.
     I don't wonder that your children are very understandably walking down the same path you are.

     Eunice and Lois believed that old Book and devoted their lives to studying and reading it and teaching it to their children and because of that, not only by their persistence, but by example, they were able to produce a son who could stand in the face of all the pressures and diversions that Satan and the world would throw at him.

     So, how do we raise a Timothy in such a world as ours?  We raise him by the Book, day after day until the battle for his mind is won!







Monday, August 4, 2014

"Onward Christian Soldier!"

     Yesterday our pastor preached on Matthew 14:1-12 and used this passage to address the dilemma of suffering and pain in the Christian life.  This is the perfect place to deal with that subject, because it is where we find the story of the beheading of John the Baptist.  It is the story of an unjust end to a faithful servant of God, who was guilty only of preaching the truth!  Not only was his execution unjust, but the executioner was a vile, wicked man, motivated by an evil woman and her sensual daughter.  Everything about the story seems unjust and upside down.  In short, as Pastor said, the whole situation stinks!
     As Christians it leaves us with and unsettled feeling.  It raises questions that we can't answer for ourselves, much less for others.  We just want to look heavenward and ask, "What's up with that, God?  Where is the champion on the white horse?"
     Pastor did a really good job of exposition of this passage and I can't add to that, but it prompted in me a whole world of introspection.  He pointed out at the end of the sermon how "James got the sword while Peter got rescued!"  This spurred me on to think that yes, I have had friends who prayed and were cured of cancer and others who prayed just as fervently and died of the same disease.  I knew of one couple who suffered through the darkest persecution you can imagine and prayed for deliverance daily.They claimed the promises of God from the Psalms, daily, for God to rescue them.  They were defeated by unjust men, in the end.  They very nearly lost their faith.  They both went for years unable to read the bible and believe it.  And in the end it destroyed their relationship with each other and they were divorced.  I'm happy to report that a faithful God kept their faith from failing completely, and they both serve him faithfully today.  But they paid a terrible price.
     So what are we to think, in the face of suffering, when God doesn't seem to be coming through for us?  How are we to process this as we sing about our God who is "Mighty to save!"  Do we join the crowd at the foot of the cross, shaking our fists at Jesus and shouting, "He saved others, Himself He cannot save.  Where is His God now?"
     As I revisited the subject in my own mind, yesterday during Pastor's sermon, I remembered how I had in the past, answered the question for myself.  I remembered how I had observed, when counseling other suffering Christians, how surprised they seemed to be by their situation. They always seemed to ask, "Am I in sin?  Haven't I been serving the Lord?  Have I done something wrong?"  The bottom line question was, "Why is this happening to me?"
     When I thought about this, I remembered thinking, "This person doesn't realize that we are in a War!  One of Pastor's points was that God told us this would happen. In 2 Timothy 2, we have a complete discussion about the Christian and persecution and the suffering of the saints and a promise that it will come.  The early church who suffered the most terrible things because of their faith, were taught to expect persecution and suffering. 
     So why are so many Christians today, shocked and surprised when it touches their lives?  I reiterate... they don't understand that they are in a War!  
Eden...God's perfect world
     To explain this radical sounding statement further, we have to begin at the beginning.  God made a perfect world, then man sinned and everything fell apart.  God stepped in and promised He would send a Savior to redeem mankind and the earth He had given man to occupy.  And although the redemption of the soul of man comes immediately, it is not complete until the end.  In the meantime, according to 2 Timothy 2 we are "soldiers" engaged in spiritual warfare, for the souls of men and women, with a very powerful enemy... Satan,... the devil himself!
      Just as in physical warfare, there will be casualties.  God did make a perfect world, but when man fell, so did his world, not only did weeds, thorns and thistles grow, but so did disease, and evil in the heart of man.  This is the world we live in.  Now some people are willing to accept this truth, but unwilling to accept the truth that once in a while, God breaks into His creation to intervene and rescue man.  The reason He does this, according to my pastor, is to show us He can!  These kinds of "rescues" serve to spread His truth and His power and He uses us, His soldiers, to accomplish this.  Listen to 2 Timothy 2:9 where the Apostle Paul said, "And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal.  But the word of God cannot be chained."  Paul understood the war and his weapons, and his part in it.  Listen to him in Ephesians 6:11 "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil."  Once again, he saw the war!  
     Still others go to the opposite extreme and expect God to make them supremely happy, cure all their ills and keep them from all pain and suffering.  Never mind that Jesus died on a cross and all the apostles except John, died a martyr's deaths. Then we have the promise of God that "All those who live godly in Christ Jesus, will suffer..."   We must reject both extremes. 
Jesus calls His disciples
     When something bad happens, remind yourself of this.  We are fighting a war!  No person wants war.  That would be irrational.  My grandson came back a year ago from Afghanistan.  He knows the face of war and it's ugly.  No parent wants their young men and women to see the things and have to do the things, that war demands.  But to insure freedom, sometimes you have to fight.  That's what God has called us to do.  When we come to Christ, we enlist in His army.
     In the meantime, my pastor said, "Do what's right and trust the rest to God!"  Don't expect justice.  Expect instead, mercy and grace from God, to handle injustice.  And be blessed and surprised, like the maiden who greeted Peter at the gate, when God steps into our time and space to rescue us! And on the way sing this song to each other: 

I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin

There's a peace I've come to know 
Though my heart and flesh may fail 
There's an anchor for my soul 
I can say "It is well" 

Jesus has overcome 
And the grave is overwhelmed 
The victory is won 
He is risen from the dead 

And I will rise when He calls my name 
No more sorrow, no more pain 
I will rise on eagles' wings 
Before my God fall on my knees 
And rise 
I will rise 

There's a day that's drawing near 
When this darkness breaks to light 
And the shadows disappear 
And my faith shall be my eyes 

Jesus has overcome 
And the grave is overwhelmed 
The victory is won 
He is risen from the dead 

And I will rise when He calls my name 
No more sorrow, no more pain 
I will rise on eagles' wings 
Before my God fall on my knees 
And rise 
I will rise 

And I hear the voice of many angels sing, 

"Worthy is the Lamb" 
And I hear the cry of every longing heart, 
"Worthy is the Lamb" 

And I will rise when He calls my name 
No more sorrow, no more pain 
I will rise on eagles' wings 
Before my God fall on my knees 
And rise 
I will rise